Sunday, September 18, 2011

Good News Bad news

Not long ago I took in a 4 year old red Setter that the owners finally realized they were not doing right by the breeding of this red setter. I in turn gave her to my best friend Julie Crawford and began assisting her in trianing her new red setter as a grouse and pheasant dog. Knowing that this dog came out of Hidalgo kennels I was sure she had a good nose. Sure enough "Lady" showed that she was capable but not accucto to hunting for the gun.

Julie and I have been making great progress with Lady.

But then tragedy struck and Julie was seriously injured in a motorcycle accident in late August just one week after this photo of Julie and lady was taken.

Julie was seriously injured leaving her with 60 stitches in her head, fracture neck vertabrae, a broken leg wich required surgery and a weeks stay in the hosptial and 3 weeks of recovery away from home and her cherrished red Setter "Lady". The good news is Julie will make a full recovery and will be able to get some hunting in late autumn. Julie has been able to return home for short periods to see Lady but those visits are short due to the severity of Julie's injuries.

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